Give Your Business the Competitive Edge With Mobile Marketing

According to the owners of Google, mobile marketing is the “fastest growing platform” that they have seen so far.

Mobile marketing definitely puts your local business ahead of your competitors because it gives you the ability to present your existing customers with a totally new experience and it also gives you the opportunity to potentially connect with millions of global users who don’t own or bother to use their desktop computers.

The whole world is there at their fingertips.

Most local businesses have not even grasped the importance of mobile marketing so this gives your business the edge.

Get in early and steal all of the customers that they might have got if only they had been as marketing savvy as you.

We will give you all of the information that you need to make an informed decision about mobile marketing.

How to Google+ Circles Can Grow Your Business

The main purpose of joining social media sites, such as Google+, is to grow your network, gain exposure, and generate customers for your business.

Google+ circles are great when it comes to creating brand awareness and building an audience for your online marketing presence. Circles are similar to “Likes” on Facebook and “Followers” on Twitter; it is used to build a network of people who are interested in your business, products, or services.

However, many people find that Google+ circles are more “user-friendly” than other platforms like Facebook. For instance, its “drag and drop” feature makes it quick and simple to add people into your circles.

Not only that, but you can create many different circles in Google+ and only add relevant people to each circle. As a business owner, it is recommended that you create separate circles for your business prospects, clients, employees, family – or any other segment that relates to your needs.

This makes sharing information a lot easier as it can be tailored only to those groups who have an interest in what you are sharing.

You can also create specific marketing campaigns to target specific circles.  The nice thing is that if you offer different types of products and services, you can create individual circles based around those specific things; allowing you to target even further.

Keep in mind that social media is about more than “selling” your products and services. It creates a way for you to “build relationships” with your target audience, which will in turn create more loyal customers over time.

By sharing helpful and interesting information with them, such as tips, videos, or photos, you can quickly build trust and authority status.

With good, valuable content, it won’t take long to find more people to join your circles because the people in your circles will recommend it to their friends, family, and other associates. Although it takes time to manage, growing Google+ circles is not hard for most people.

Due to the explosive growth of Google+, businesses can no longer ignore this amazing digital tool. With more than 170 users, it is a very powerful way to generate more exposure for your brand.

More Business Today Magazine

More Business Today Online MagazineI’ve started a monthly (potentially) online magazine. Please take a moment to click here and take a look. Your feedback would be very much appreciated.

In this issue of More Business Today online magazine, you can read about:

  • Goodbye Google Places, Hello Google+ Local
  • 5 Things Your Business Should Do Right Now To Profit From Facebook
  • Why YouTube is your secret weapon
  • 7 great reasons why your business should use Twitter
  • How to use Google + to give your business a competitive edge
  • And More!

Open Magazine

List of Local Directories


Some of these I already have listed on More Business Today, but many I don’t. I haven’t checked these links yet to see if they all work. Soon I’ll be offering a more advanced local advertising package that will include submissions into even more local directories.

âEUR¢ Google

âEUR¢ Yahoo


âEUR¢ Yahoo Yellow Pages

âEUR¢ AOL Yellow Pages

âEUR¢ Verizon SuperPages

âEUR¢ Switchboard


âEUR¢ Sprint Yellow Pages


âEUR¢ InfoSpace


âEUR¢ JudyâEUR(TM)s Book
âEUR¢ True Local


âEUR¢ Welcome Wagon


âEUR¢ MerchantCircle

âEUR¢ Earthlink





âEUR¢ InformationPages

âEUR¢ Info USA

âEUR¢ City Search

âEUR¢ Axiom

Reciprocating Links – SEO

In order to get the best results from the search engines you need to have you as many links as possible pointing to your site. These links need to be from sites that are related to your business and include your keywords in the link text.

How do you get them? You find sites that are in your industry and ask them to exchange links. The best way to find them is to search Google for your keywords. The top sites under those searches will be the ones that Google feels are most relevant.