How to Find Twitter Users in Your City

Twitter is currently second to Facebook in a long list of extremely popular social media sites. It is recognized as a great way for people to connect with businesses, friends and relatives by letting them know what they are doing via short posts. Since there are millions of people on Twitter, it provides a great ground to increase customers for any determined local business.

Below are a few steps you can use to gather more followers around your city and consequently increase your sales.

Twitter Search

Twitter offers a great feature that allows users to search for people in the same location. There is an advanced feature dubbed “near this place” that enhances the search and will help you find any tweets in a particular location. This can be used to find targeted customer groups around a city or town.

iPhone Applications

iPhone has made it easy for users to find other Twitter users in a local setting using different apps. There are a number of applications which will allow a business owner to view tweets from a location of their choice and convince them to follow them.

Nearby Tweets

This is a website that will show users where other users are located, depending on the information they submitted during signing up. This is an effective tool that business owners can use to find local tweets that can be of importance to their business.


This is a search function aimed at local searches. This site provides clickable maps that make the search easy and fast. To enhance the search and the ease with which people can find your Twitter profile, it is important that you first register on Tellowhood.

Finding Twitter users around you can be daunting, but with the right information and tools, the process will be fast and easy.

7 Twitter Tips

Here’s another article from our newest online magazine.

7 Great Reasons to use Twitter

In 2006 three young American dudes had a “daylong brainstorming session” and came up with the idea for Twitter. The reason they called it Twitter was because it means “a short burst of inconsequential information” and “chirps from birds”.

Six years on and Twitter is booming. 140 million of us send approximately 340 million tweets per day.

Not all tweets are inconsequential. It’s true that you can watch and participate in conversations of with rock stars, sports stars and film stars. However, Twitter is not just a place for celebrities to air details of their exciting lives or talking about what you had for breakfast.

It has become an indispensable communications tool for businesses, non-profit organisations, celebrities and people all around the globe.

Twitter is having a real impact on how we receive information both on the news and in the media. It has become a key communications channel during major political events and natural disasters. And businesses now rely on it for marketing, PR and customer service.

The fact is if you don’t Tweet then you are missing out on one of the fastest growing social network platforms for your business.

What is Twitter?

Twitter is a messaging service that allows you to send and receive messages no longer than 140 characters, or about the size of a news headline. That means that they are really easy to write and read.

Messages on Twitter are public, and you don’t have to give people permission to see what you have written making it easy to meet new people on Twitter.

Here are 7 Reasons why your business should use Twitter:

It’s Easy To Locate and Engage With Customers

Twitter is based on a system of give and take. You post a tweet and your followers respond. It’s simple and direct and enables you to build a relationship with your current or potential clients. With a 140-character limit per tweet, Twitter is also not a substantial time investment.
People on Twitter will expect your business to engage with them. No matter what your sector, the chances are, people are already tweeting about your products, your brand, your company or at the very least, your industry.

It Helps Build Your Brand:

What you Tweet is a piece of your brand just like your logo or a jingle in a commercial. Your tweets help to define you and your business. For example, is your business family-oriented? Does popular music have an impact on your products? Every post you make will have an impact on your brand so post wisely.

You Can Offer an Irresistible Deal:

Everybody loves getting a great deal. When one pops up on their Twitter feed, it can build excitement and generate buzz. How this works is one follower retweets your message to his followers, then they re-tweet to another and they re-tweet to another…

Here are some other tactics that companies use:

Promotions: Offer Twitter-specific discount codes. Most companies report that lower priced items are much more likely to get uptake but do some testing and see what works for you.

Contests: People on Twitter LOVE a contest. A fun, creative game with good rewards can generate a great buzz. If you do run a contest, be sure to describe it on your website and include legal details and small print to cover you and keep it legal.

Contests and genuinely good deals DO get retweeted, so they are a great way of drawing not just business, but brand new followers too.

Another good tip is this: If you do offer a deal, post it a number of times. That way, you guarantee the maximum number of people see it and it won’t just slip under the radar of a lot of people

It’s Great For Networking:

It is well known that people have landed new jobs and contracts with contacts who they met through Twitter. As a small business owner, Twitter can help you manage your contacts to uncover new opportunities for growth.

You Can Engage With Journalists and PR People: Twitter is home to thousands of journalists, media workers and PR people. If you look at practically every major online news site you will come across at least one story taken from Twitter. They trawl through Twitter trying to find newsworthy posts and trends so if you are looking for a little exposure for your business, Twitter can be a great place to connect with these people.

Here is how you can do it:
Post great messages. If your Twitter account is a resource in your sector, journalists will be more willing to trust you. They might even find you through retweets and comments that other people make if your posts are good enough.

Follow the media people who cover your sector. Quite often they will tweet when they are looking for sources. You can build a better relationship with them by following them. Keep in mind though, that they have a lot of people trying to do the same thing so they will be wary and will be able to tell if you are just trying to use them for self interest.

Follow Help A Reporter Out (@helpareporter). Yes, that account really exists. The owner of the account regularly posts inquiries from reporters looking for legitimate sources.

You Can Solve Customer Service Issues:

Every business, no matter how big or popular they are has some customer service issues. It is impossible to please all of the people all of the time. A customer with a negative experience may head to Twitter to release her fury and tell the world.

Savvy companies have figured out that they need to find ways to control the message and do some damage limitation. By having an active Twitter account, you can directly handle these potential issues before they spiral out of control.

The cool thing about Twitter is that you can reply in public, showing everybody that you are a responsive, caring company. A potentially negative situation can then be turned on its head, made into a positive experience.

Twitter is a great way for tackling situations like this: it’s likely, when issues arise, that a number of people have the same issue, so answering publicly can help a lot of people all at once saving you lots of time and aggravation.

You Can Tell People Your Latest News:

Twitter is a fantastic way to push out the latest news about your company.

For example, if you’re preparing to open a new location or unveil a new product, a series of strategic tweets is a cost-effective way to provide that information.

A word of warning though: Don’t make all of your posts just about your company. If you are a brand that a lot of people already love and are fans of, like Apple for example then you can probably get away with posting mostly about your company. But if you are just a small company and not well known it is best not just post about your own company all of the time.

Taking this approach will help build your credibility with existing and potential customers.

You Can Provide Product Information:

If you are just about to launch a brand new product or service Twitter is a great tool for getting the word out to the masses.

A good tweet can build up a buzz and get lots of interest as people start up conversations. At the same time, you can be informative and establish trust with your followers so that they will be eager to buy your product or use your services. Think about Twitter as a way to exchange mutually interesting information.


They are the most popular and followed Tweeters in the world . . . but there’s no need to follow the herd!

  1. LADY GAGA 27,894,920 Followers
  2. JUSTIN BIEBER 25,998,819 Followers
  3. KATY PERRY 24,387,901 Followers
  4. RIHANNA 23,597,381 Followers
  5. BRITNEY SPEARS 19,173,686 Followers

More Business Today Magazine

More Business Today Online MagazineI’ve started a monthly (potentially) online magazine. Please take a moment to click here and take a look. Your feedback would be very much appreciated.

In this issue of More Business Today online magazine, you can read about:

  • Goodbye Google Places, Hello Google+ Local
  • 5 Things Your Business Should Do Right Now To Profit From Facebook
  • Why YouTube is your secret weapon
  • 7 great reasons why your business should use Twitter
  • How to use Google + to give your business a competitive edge
  • And More!

Open Magazine

Twitter – Useful or No

First, what is Twitter? Here’s a video that explains it a bit better.


Twitter is a different kind of tool it allows you to watch and be watched on a whole new level. I think it’s an especially good tool for hyping upcoming events, or product launches.

Trick of the Trade:
Do you want more people following you? Find people who are interesting to you and have a lot of people following them, and follow the followers. In other words, let’s say you really liked this certain business person, you could see all the people following that business person and follow them. By default, when someone starts following you, you get an email. When someone gets that email about you following them, they may start following you.