Important Mobile Statistics
- 9 out of 10 Americans have cell phones
- 43% of those people use smart phones
- The percentage of smart phone users is growing every month
- 50% of “local” searches are done using cell phones
That last statistic means mobile marketing is poised to become a necessity for local businesses. This presents a really exciting opportunity for you. While it’s becoming more and more important to have a mobile ready website, not a lot of small local businesses are capitalizing on this trend.
Some Mobile Marketing Weapons…
Mobile Website
While these smart phones will “see” your normal website, there are two very important reasons to consider a mobile website. First, Google is going to give more credence to a website for mobile users, when a mobile user is searching. In other words, you get higher rankings when people are searching using their phone. Second, you can display information in an optimized way for the mobile user. The mobile user isn’t going to want long descriptions, and the focus is much more on contact information and brief descriptions.
Mobile Directory Listings
While their aren’t a ton of mobile phone directories yet, once you have your mobile site, you’ll want to create listings at these directories.
SMS (Text Message) List
If your customers would like to get a notification from you in an instant, creating an SMS list is a great way to blast out a message to everyone who signed up. This works especially well for businesses that have a lot of events, and/or discounts.
Instant SMS Reply
This is a system where someone text messages something to you and instantly gets a reply back with the information/code they are seeking. Example: A real estate agent could have people text an MLS number to a phone number, and get back an instant video home tour. This can be configured so the agent gets a message and knows instantly that the prospect is interested in this MLS.
If you can come up with a tool that someone could use on their phone to make their lives easier, you could have an app created. This is a great way to build good will with your customers. Depending on the app, this can be expensive, though.
If you break this down to it’s most basic foundation, you are dealing with communication. All you have to do is figure out what your prospects would like you to communicate to them, and then make it as easy as possible for them to receive the information.
Those who embrace this technology first, will benefit the most. It’s just like the internet was in the good ole’ days.