How to Empty Your Email Box

This post is about managing your email better so you can be more effective. When I started working on this I was amazed at the amount of time I’m able to save with a few simple steps.

Would you be surprised if you found out that you are wasting an hour a week on email? I’m talking about a solid hour that you could be spending on other work.  One hour a week adds up to more than a week of lost productivity a year. I think for some of us this number is actually low.

Breaking just one of the bad email habits (checking it too often) will also make you much more effective in other work that you are doing. Every time we interrupt a task we are in the middle of it takes at least a few minutes to get back into the mindset to work on it again.

Instead of explaining how to get control over your email, I’ll send you to the link for the page where I learned it.

Project Inbox Zero

Additionally, Remember the Milk is a great service for keeping track of tasks. You don’t want to keep track of tasks in your email system, because it’s not a very good tool for that. You need a trusted system.

Reciprocating Links – SEO

In order to get the best results from the search engines you need to have you as many links as possible pointing to your site. These links need to be from sites that are related to your business and include your keywords in the link text.

How do you get them? You find sites that are in your industry and ask them to exchange links. The best way to find them is to search Google for your keywords. The top sites under those searches will be the ones that Google feels are most relevant.


You’ve probably heard people talking about Craigslist. It’s an online classified system. Most people use it to buy/sell used merchandise.

You can use it to promote your website. It doesn’t cost anything to post an ad, and takes about 5 minutes. When you have a link in your post it will help you with your search engine placement.

Post today, you have nothing to lose but a couple minutes of time.

I would suggest posting every day for a while to test it out. Additionally, creating an account for posting makes life easier.